We have discussed the introduction and concepts of Music Production in previous blogs however in order to actually practice and learn the tricks and techniques of Music Production, we will explore some more details here. Music Production is a skill that can be executed at the comfort of your own house while sitting and sipping a cup of coffee once you are thorough with the knowledge and theories behind it. You ask how? Let me explain! No matter how many definitions one comes up with for what is music production and how it is executed, the one thing common that lies in everyone's workflow is Digital Tools. Since Music production is a digital process, it requires a computer or a laptop and it can also be learnt online very smoothly! If you are using a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) to create or record, you are a potential music producer yourself! Technology today has evolved in a way that music production is more accessible than ever before. From Writing a song, composing it, giving a sound design, mixing and mastering, recording and going behind several layers of approvals and place to place to get it produced, one can now create a home studio at the lowest price in history. However, with abundant information available online regarding how to make songs, how to record, how to learn the art of Music Production, it has become practically impossible to filter out what works for your benefit and what doesn’t. In this situation, the first step is always identifying your needs- what do you actually intend to do? And then look for resources that cater to those specific needs. If you want to record and make songs in the comfort of your home, make your videos popular on social media, and polish your hobby of music, then online learning of Music Production is the easiest way to achieve your goals! However, it’s still difficult to decide where to learn from! Self Production is always 'the goal' for a beginner in Learn Music Production and what if you could start from your goal itself? At Creator School, we teach goal-oriented courses online, where you learn how to create your own song from scratch to finish. With this kind of online learning, you definitely are one step ahead towards your goals as the teaching methodology is designed in a way that helps you explore and express your music in your own unique style. All of this- without the need for a single instrument! Isn’t that exciting? Yes, the Digital instruments and editing tools are an all-in-one surprise box for you. Building a sound you hear in your head is what we start as an idea and whilst working on it we give shape to your imagination. The only step you need to take is to book a free demo class and we will walk through your ideas and turn them into reality. We are more than excited to set a platform for you. We hope you are too!